Graphic Organizers
Five Main Types of Graphic Organizers
The five main types of graphic organizers illustrated on this web site are Star/Web, Chart/Matrix,Tree/Mao, Chain, and Sketch.
Idea Maps
Idea Maps are used to represent a document's progression of ideas. Idea Maps can be used to identify main ideas and related terms, show how two related concepts are alike or different, display the logical progression of ideas in a text, or show possible solutions or causes of problems.
Index of Graphic Organizers
Most of the graphic organizers displayed were constructed using Inspiration software - a tool for visual thinking and learning. See ideas for webbbing, concept mapping, matrix, and flow charts.
Student Successes with Thinking Maps
A resource review of David Hyerle's new book describing successful uses of thinking maps in classrooms.
Using Graphic Organizers
This resource suggests how the skill of using graphic organizers can be taught to students. The document contains links to web sites with relevant information.